Welcome Vendors
The following information will provide details about this event.
If you still have unanswered question after reviewing this information, please do not hesitate to email hcapprm@gmail.com.
Information, Rules and Procedures
Setting up
Upon Arrival check in at the registration desk inside the building.
Sign the Liability Waiver (available at check-in)
Receive your space assignment
If you requested special accommodations on your registration form, these accommodations will, if possible, be provided at this time.
Vendors must bring their own displays.
A limited number tables (size 8' x 2-1/2'), and chairs will be available.
Electric hookups are limited.
Sales Collections
Vendors may choose to process their own sales and required taxes or they may elect to have the festival cashier handle all payments. This will include processing credit cards and collecting sales tax.
If you choose to use this service, email: dutton.hcapprm@gmail.com by October 30, to sign up for this service. The cost of this service is 15% of the sale price, which will go to HCA.
Public bathrooms are located downstairs in the Community Center.